
Addresses are blacklisted using the batch listed or blacklist function. These are owned and run by the veriface DAO which enables the process to be completely decentralized.

function blackList(address userAddress, string memory blackListUri) external;
function batchBlackList(address[] memory userAddresses, string[] memory uris) external;

Once an address is blacklisted contracts implementing the Veriface interface do one of three things when this address interacts with the contracts

  • Prohibit interaction(Code 0)

  • Warn of interaction(Code 1)

  • Do nothing (Code 2)

The checkAddress is called on the protocol to check if an address is blacklisted.

function checkAddress(address sender, address callerContract, uint256 code)
  • sender: msg.sender

  • the address of the contract that implements it

  • the code (0, 1, 2)

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